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Blog Posts

from the desk of DJ Satan

Love is rust

Death is dust


new band name


how do you unpack dust?

Badly warped


Fuck professionalism

Get a new lover



Where the fuck do I

park in Carlton?


Get a lawyer or a


Knowledge is fr…

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to vaccine or not that is the question

i hate talking about this so let's talk about something about typing as fast as you can whatever comes into your mind, no spelling rules... GO

the otehre say di was waitnti gfo the bus and theis womean wcmae up to me and told me that the worlds was gong to end soon but i didnt wreally …

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DJ Satan speaks

[large flying objects swooping to strafe the lower hemisphere]

You could be anonymous in Australia because everyone knows who you are.
Waiting to hear from you is like waiting to hear from the Bank.
The columns are still there but underground.
Sometimes it’s enough to think you could be doing some…

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New Name

Ashley has come up with a new name for a band: Choose_DEATH_Fucker.  I think it is a lovely name.  It couldn't have been chosen by many but you never know. I have a long list of band names but Ashley doesn't like them. 

No blog

currently there is nothing here except these words

from the desk of DJ Satan

Love is rust

Death is dust


new band name


how do you unpack dust?

Badly warped


Fuck professionalism

Get a new lover



Where the fuck do I

park in Carlton?


Get a lawyer or a


Knowledge is free,

experience is cheap

You know you're 

talking to God when

you're answered by

your own voice

We all translate the

future differently

Author rising

Women bear the brunt

and men sacrifice too.


to vaccine or not that is the question

i hate talking about this so let's talk about something about typing as fast as you can whatever comes into your mind, no spelling rules... GO

the otehre say di was waitnti gfo the bus and theis womean wcmae up to me and told me that the worlds was gong to end soon but i didnt wreally pay mauch attenditon to her buecaue i know that y eworkd rocks regareles of the res ot the worlds being there needles to say that i never spole abou this ftih  snayone el sese just ime in tm=ny tiney ehad wos 

DJ Satan speaks

[large flying objects swooping to strafe the lower hemisphere]

You could be anonymous in Australia because everyone knows who you are.
Waiting to hear from you is like waiting to hear from the Bank.
The columns are still there but underground.
Sometimes it’s enough to think you could be doing something wrong, and not be doing anything wrong, to feel bad about doing something wrong, even when you’re not doing it.

Means I have a recipe book in my mind’s eye, that I know exactly how to do something bad. Not just bad, there are some recipes, in a specially sealed section of the book, that tell me how I can really be evil. My darkside’s potential so to speak. Something can click and I might be there, pawing over those ingredients to be my worst enemy, or someone else’s.

What is working as Ethics then, living as humanist thinking, when you’re not committing the crime versus when you might be thinking about committing, and how much damage that might bring, and whether or not it might actually be worth it?
Is there a performance writing that sounds like they’re making a movie up? Are there other writings that cannot be so emotive, but concern themselves with a deeper listening, or a similar suspension of belief - which I call the fourth hand - when the familiar thread that keeps us interested as readers, is actually a strange experience without explanation, without assured familiarity?

Ghosts before breakfast. Vormittagsspuk.

New Name

Ashley has come up with a new name for a band: Choose_DEATH_Fucker.  I think it is a lovely name.  It couldn't have been chosen by many but you never know. I have a long list of band names but Ashley doesn't like them. 

No blog

currently there is nothing here except these words
